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| Blogs | How Can Enterprises use lockdown to Restructure Business Strategies: Lets Discover and Recover

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How Can Enterprises use lockdown to Restructure Business Strategies: Lets Discover and Recover

The world is curious about what will happen after the lockdown, especially in the business sector. This era might even be divided into two: pre-corona and post-corona. The current situation has taught people the importance of modern technology in business. “The present scenario also reminds us to maintain discipline in handling finance,” .

Because there will be some fixed expense even if a company stays closed and that needs to be managed. Some would even have spent the working capital to meet the expense. The lockdown reminds to handle the working capital carefully.

It is very likely that a ‘Reserve Fund” column may appear on the asset side of company balance sheets after this lockdown. If a situation like this repeat, a company should have a reserve fund at least for 2 months. It wouldn’t be a surprise if the Registrar of Companies issues such a rule. Such reserve funds will benefit to companies. And it would be satisfying if the govt decides the fund amount. Such funds will help a company move forward without much liabilities. There is even a possibility of submitting a document from the bank approving the presence of reserve funds before auditor on March 31 every year.

The real business people are the ones who find hidden opportunities even while facing a huge crisis. A lot of such opportunities are in front of us. After this lockdown, there might be a chance of raising new business opportunities in different areas. Use this time to find better opportunities that will determine the future of your enterprises.

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