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Right place at the right time


Want the best returns from your home? Here’s how you can gauge the appreciation potential of an area.

Buying a house is a huge investment and homebuyers often expect their home to provide them with safety, happiness and calm. In practicality however, that's not all that we wish for. Our practical brain starts working and we often end up wondering about the return we would receive from this investment; thus, it is crucial that you identify the growth of an area when you invest in it.

Before investing, a homebuyer should look into following points:

Price trend and landscape

When looking to buy a home in affordable areas, it is essential that you also track the price trends of that area in the last couple of years. It is also necessary to check the social infrastructure of the place — are there parks and playgrounds or entertainment centres? These areas generally have the potential to grow.

Infrastructure and construction

If the location is closer to metros, railway stations, etc., the prices will definitely keep rising. At the same time, if schools, hospitals, restaurants, banks, etc., are in the vicinity, then you can expect an appraisal in land prices. Upcoming infrastructural development is another indication that the area will be popular once the construction is complete.

Supply and demand

"The higher the population, higher the demand. High demand, low-supply areas have a high rental yield. Renovation of old houses, constructions of new ones and the increase in the number of schools, retail stores, hospitals, etc., are other factors that determine the transformation and demand of the area. A simple way to determine if the area has a high appreciation potential is to identify if there are several different developers with projects in the area and its surroundings."

If a number of developers are investing in an area, that’s your cue that the rate of appreciation ought to be high in the future.

Ripple effect

"One should look into adjoining areas if the area of choice is out of budget. If there is a close to five percent variation, there is a huge possibility that the suburban area will soon have all the requirements you are looking for." "Profitable investment in residential property requires the chosen location to meet certain parameters. One should fundamentally look into the following parameters before closing the deal: Good social infrastructure; Availability of adequate public transport; Sufficient economic activity to sustain development and growth."

These parameters apply equally to investment in NA certified land approved for residential development and flats in a residential project.

For optimal appreciation benefits, one should also understand the property cycle, so as to identify the best entry point, the quality of the project, and whether the project is RERAcompliant and all development plans and statutory approvals are in place.

Finally, the investor should keep an eye on the market and sell the residential property at the right time in order to multiply wealth. If these precautions have been taken, the property should have appreciated at a consistent rate. It is important to remember that one can almost never sell at the peak, just as it is impossible to always catch the lowest price.


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