West View by Panchshil Koregaon Park Pune Commercial Project WestView
Koregaon Park,Pune
What we as individual and Organisation do after the global lock-down due to Corona ( COVID-19) is over. How we will overcome the slowdown and slump in demand?
There will always be crisis or disruptions; we live in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) times- Any global event happening somewhere else can create havoc in our vertical or markets.
The last Financial crisis of 2008 witnessed many companies emerge and became Global Giant in their verticals. At the same time we saw various companies wiped out of the global map. What was the difference- they accepted the reality, broke the current scenario into pieces and then took the pieces which matched their strength, used it as platform to grow. Whereas the companies which failed were more concerned with what was happening worldwide and how things were getting out of hand.( They focused on transnational details ignoring the long term perspective)
1982 Great Depression- EA- Electronic Arts, Adobe
2008- Financial Crisis- Groupon, Airbnb, Uber, Smule, Watsapp, Venmo, Cloudera
Now the question is How to Overcome this Obstacle/Crisis and use it to grow self and our organisation.
Panic, anxiety and worry won't solve the problem. We need to be level headed and calm, to think and find out solutions for the Next- Level of growth. Our full attention & focus must only be on how to get to next level of growth.
Focusing on survival is like firefighting, we will be so engaged fighting that we will miss all the opportunities which are there for us. When we are starved, we focus our energy on search of food and not the sweets or cake that we dream of.
When we focus on Abundance and Growth, we will be looking out for single or multiple opportunity window.
Get your best team & advisers in a room. Lock the door and discuss 10 options which will work and lead you to THE NEXT LEVEL of Growth. Pick up the top 3 options and devote the full energy of the organisation on them. Create a Task force/ Team to work on the chosen option and let the rest of the organisation function as usual.
There would be many problems post Covid-19.
Take one problem which you or your organisation is best aware of ----> find the best solution for the problem------> sell it to just one customer------> Make that customer big and use that case study -------> catapult to next level.
The main aim is to break the problem and reach to the core. This is what ants do. When they can't carry a big ball of sugar candy, they break it to pieces and carry it. And behold, soon the whole candy is in their ant hole.
When we are reacting, we majorly focus on transactional issues and not on the issues which are of strategic importance.
Our energy, focus and resources are limited and we need to make the best use of them. Companies which grew during various recession in past kept focusing on the next big thing which changed their future.
We need right mindset to open the combination lock of success. The right sequence for the lock to success is ----> Right Perception-----> Will to make the change-------> Inspired Actions.
Focus on what you can change and then direct all the energy towards it.
All the best.
Think positive
Spread positivity ...
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West View by Panchshil Koregaon Park Pune Commercial Project WestView
Koregaon Park,Pune
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