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7 things to do during a lockdown

The COVID-19 outbreak have forced many of us to sit tight at home – this is a good strategy in order to slow down the spread of the corona virus. 

Here are seven ideas of how to use your time wisely during a lockdown. We hope you will be OK!

Keep Learning

There are thousands of great resources online in all possible fields to keep our brains busy.

In a time when a global crisis is taking up all the media attention, it is also beneficial to educate ourselves about other world issues troubling society. The wide variety of other serious problems do not disappear just because we are facing a new, more urgent one – world hunger, environmental crisis, injustice and inequality, discrimination still very much exist and require our attention and effort.

Being isolated at home is a good opportunity to catch up with information on problems we can do something about once the lockdown is over.

Declutter and donate 

Being stuck at home gives us the necessary time and motivation to take a careful look around our belongings. Starting with the most sensitive area – clothes, and repeating the exercise with other things like books, garments, decorations, toys, etc. we can take the time to identify things we rarely (or not at all) use and clean up some space.

Maybe there are also things we believe will be more appreciated by others and we can live without. Sort them out and prepare them for donation – there are people who would be happy to have them for sure. Living with only the things we really need instead of pilling up items collecting dust is not such a bad idea.

Unleash creativty – get a new hobby

Have you ever thought about starting a blog and sharing your experience and insights or starting a discussion about a topic you feel passionate about? What about writing a fictional story inspired by your own life? Drawing and experimenting with different mediums?

There are many forms of expression we can try and we never know what might appeal to us and turn into a relaxing new pastime to get our mind off stress and pressure. Maybe solving puzzles is your thing. Or knitting. Why not testing out Photoshop to create funny (or inspirational) edits with pictures of friends and family? It is time to let our creativity go wild.

Share your thoughts

Many of us can see that the world as we know it… will have to change. Many of us worry about the future and at the moment just take one day at a time.

Reflect and redefine 

Having time for ourselves is a prerequisite to sessions of self-reflection and redefining goals. We can use the pause on all the things usually occupying our minds to reassess the direction we are going and evaluate if we are on the right track or need a drastic (or mild) change. Is our current lifestyle making us happy or are we missing something and not living up to the full potential of life and our desires?

It is also a great opportunity to reflect on our personalities and identify personal strengths and weaknesses to work with. Personal (and professional) development is a constant process – getting stuck in the loop and forgetting to realign our goals and plan of action can cost us true happiness and fulfilment.

Time to learn to cook (and maybe start a small garden) 

A lot of us often turn to takeaway food due to a busy lifestyle of lack of time for cooking. Well, now the golden opportunity of learning how to cook and spoiling ourselves with a homemade dish has finally presented itself.

Cooking can be lots of fun and allows us to choose our own ingredients and menu based on our taste (and diet). It is way healthier and usually more cost-efficient than takeaway so why not give it a shot? It is also a great way to surprise friends and family during gatherings or treating a loved one – homecooked meals are the best. There are a large number of affordable recipes in all cooking difficulty levels no matter what your taste is.

Having some time on our hands is also an opportunity for another step towards a healthier lifestyle – starting a small garden at home. We don’t need a whole yard to do it, a small balcony can also do the trick. Growing organic vegetables is a highly rewarding activity which also gives us tasty products for our cooking.

Practice singing or dance moves

Performing in front of other people tends to be one of the most stressful and anxious things for many people. If you are one of the people who wholeheartedly enjoy singing or dancing but are too shy to do it in front of others and join your friends in the karaoke or on the dance floor you can use the time at home to build-up confidence and practice those skills.

This is also helpful for presenting in front of an audience (for a school project for example). Having the time to practice something alone in a risk-free environment is a great way to get more comfortable and get the motivation to later do in public.

Don’t forget that most likely no one is going to pay attention to your dance moves or singing that much anyway so use the fun exercise to get rid of unnecessary worries and stress – singing and dancing tends to be quite relaxing.

n times like this, it is important to remember what is happening is nothing more than another one of the many crises humanity is facing. It is a radical reminded that our society needs to put unity, cooperation, crisis management, empathy, and compassion above anything else and solve the issues as quickly as possible. The situation is serious but with the right approach and countermeasures, it is only a matter of time to get out of it. Then we can proceed to solving other important emergencies like the approaching clime catastrophe, worldwide poverty, widespread injustice, or other disease outbreaks that have been around for years.

So what can we do in the meantime?

Please do not forget that being human stays above anything else on this list – do not hesitate to help your neighbours or elderly people who need help with shopping or household chores. Many people are extremely vulnerable in this situation and helping each other is the first priority.


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